In a previous post, I discussed why it is important that
Jesus Christ be Almighty God in the flesh. This post will focus more on the
humanity of Jesus Christ, as to why He must be a human being. Orthodox
Christian doctrine states that Jesus has two distinct natures that form a
hypostatic union of fully God and fully human; that is, the God-man. Jesus was
born of the virgin Mary, died on the cross, then was resurrected to life in the
same body He died in. Jesus prophesied His own bodily resurrection in John 2:19-21;
He actually foretold that He would raise up His own body. In 1 Corinthians
15:35-45, the Bible reveals the nature of that resurrected body, and its a body
that is immortal, incorruptible and glorified. The Bible says Jesus is a man
right now at 1 Timothy 2:5 and Acts 17:31. In addition, Colossians 2:9 shows
that Jesus is fully God dwelling in a bodily form.
The importance of Jesus' humanity is affirmed by the
doctrines of the Virgin Birth and the Bodily Resurrection, because Jesus took
on a perfect, sinless human nature through His virgin birth and He had to be
resurrected bodily from the dead in order to retain His humanity as our eternal
King and High Priest. If Jesus were an angel, then He would not qualify to be
humanity's Mediator, Intercessor and Advocate because angels cannot represent
the human race, since they are an entirely different order of creation from
humans. Angels were designed to exist without a body, while humans were
designed to be a dichotomy of body and soul; therefore humans are incomplete
without a body (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Matthew 10:28). In addition, humans were
created with more of the image of God than angels were (Genesis 1:26, 27).
Furthermore, God has not provided a means of salvation for fallen angels, but
God has indeed provided a means of salvation for fallen human beings through
Jesus Christ (Hebrews 2:16). Jesus would not have been able to provide a perfect atonement for humanity’s sins unless He possessed a complete human nature.
Now, why is it important that Jesus be a human being for all
eternity? First of all, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, but why was
Jesus baptized if He was a perfect and sinless man who never needed to repent?
In Matthew 3:15, Jesus Himself said He needed to be baptized in order to
fulfill all righteousness; that is, to fulfill all that is required under the
OT Law and the Prophets. It was foretold that Jesus would be a King and a High
Priest forever after the order of Melkizedeck (Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 7:21). With
reference to the priesthood, Jesus had to be appointed a priest in accordance
with the requirements of Exodus 29, Numbers 4 and Numbers 8. Those three
chapters require that a priest be at least 30 years old, be sprinkled or
anointed with oil and receive a formal blessing. Jesus was 30 years old at the
time of His baptism (Luke 3:23), the anointing with oil was marked by Jesus'
receiving the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, and Jesus received a formal
blessing from God the Father who announced Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus'
water baptism was the sprinkling that comes with the priestly appointment
(Matthew 3:16, 17). All of these events placed Jesus in the position of High
Priest. Can a person be High Priest without being a man? The answer is No. All
the rituals, protocols and duties of High Priest applied the human priesthood
of the nation of Israel; it did not apply to angels or other spirits.
If Jesus permanently lost His humanity after death as some
religious groups claim, then the promises of God regarding the Messiah's
destiny as eternal King and High Priest were not fulfilled. God promised that
the Messiah would be a man of the woman's seed (Genesis 3:15), as well as
Abraham's seed, Jacob's seed, Judah's seed and David's seed (Matthew 1:1-17;
Hebrews 2:16-18). The Messiah was prophesied to be of Jewish descent, but if
Jesus is no longer a man, then He is no longer of the seed of the Woman, and is
no longer a Jew who descended from Abraham and David. God said that the seed
would remain forever to both rule and intercede as King and High Priest
forever. Jesus referred to Himself as the Root and the Offspring of David in
Revelation 22:16. If Jesus gave up His humanity after His death, and was
transformed into Michael the Archangel or some other kind of spirit creature
(as Jehovah's Witnesses teach), then Jesus is no longer the Offspring of David;
He no longer possesses David's biological genetic material within Himself. That
would mean that David will not have an eternal descendant inheriting his throne
to reign forever and ever.
According to Christian apologist Matt Slick (2003), Jesus
absolutely MUST be a man at the present time in order to hold the office of
King and High Priest forever. Matt Slick says:
"It is biblically correct to say that Jesus is a man
right now in heaven--though a glorified man. But, it would be wrong to say He
was only a man. He is both divine and human in nature at the same time (Colossians
2:9); He is both God and man right now. Furthermore, Jesus' humanity now is
important for two reasons. First, this is what the Bible teaches. Second, as a
man, Jesus is a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. As a priest He
forever intercedes for us.——'Where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us,
having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.'
(Hebrews 6:20). [and another scripture] 'Hence, also, He is able to save forever those who draw near to
God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.' (Hebrews
7:25).——In order to be a priest, Jesus has to be a man. A spirit cannot be a
priest after the order of Melchizedek; and if Jesus is not a man now, He could
not hold His priesthood, and He could not be forever interceding for us.
Therefore, to deny Jesus' present humanity is to deny His priesthood and His
intercession on our behalf. Without His intercession, we are lost." (paragraphs 2-5).
Cults and aberrant Christian groups have a habit of
distorting the truth about Jesus Christ's being the one and only Mediator
between God and all humankind (1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 8:6). Some of these
groups will declare that Jesus is Mediator only to a small group of people
among the human race, instead of all humankind. This is in addition to them
denying or undermining the fact that Jesus is the God-man, fully God and fully
human. On an episode discussing the bodily resurrection of Christ, Pastor
Agustin Astacio (2016) said on his Healing X Outreach program that Jesus Christ has to
represent both parties; He has to represent humanity, and He has to represent
God. Thus Jesus' two natures reconciles both God and humanity in one Person.
The words "reconciliation," "propitiation" and "atonement" (at-one-ment) partly describes humanity's
becoming one with God through the Person and work of Christ Jesus. This
restores the relationship between God and humanity that was broken because of
sin (Romans 5:8-11). Therefore, in order to reconcile humanity and divinity, Jesus must be part
of both in order to bring them together. He must be the one who is bringing
them together, and He must also be God forgiving the other party (humanity) as
the One who was offended (God). So that is why Jesus had to be fully God and
fully man.
Slick, Matthew. (2003). Jesus is a man. Retrieved on August 3, 2016 from the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry:
Astacio, Agustin. (2016, July 23). BTR Guest: Dr. Ron Rhodes - What is the Biblical View of the Bodily Resurrection? Retrieved on August 3, 2016 from Healing X Outreach:
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